Umm Qais Heritage
Umm Qais is a town in Northern Jordan which includes the archaeological remains of the ancient Decapolis city of Gadara. The town has a distinctive and significant archaeological and cultural heritage, important to the local community's identity and which is at risk from physical deterioration and insecurity.
Umm Qais Heritage is the online portal managed by the University of Leeds (UK) dedicated to building a greater understanding of the heritage of this unique site.
to promote collaborative research between the local community of Umm Qais and heritage professionals in Jordan and the UK and established during our Living Museum of Umm Qais project.
Umm Qais Heritage has expanded beyond the initial LMUQ research, including our the new Creative Economies Through Youth- led Arts and Craft in Jordan (CEARC) project which continues our commitment to co-produced research and sustainable development to produce mutual benefits to researchers and the local economy in Umm Qais.
Umm Qais Heritage has a core team of researchers based at the University of Leeds in the UK, in addition to the project teams and partners we collaborate with on each individual research project.
Our work is supported through research funding provided by both the UK's Arts and Humanities Research Council and through the Newton Khalidi Partnership.